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Golden Child Publishing, Inc.is a leader in the fields of nutrition, natural health, healthy living, indigenous wisdom and interpersonal communications. Golden Child Publishing 's international headquaters is located in Ashland, Oregon.

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Now Available!

Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities With Nutrition
Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities With Nutrition [Second Edition]
Healing Our Children: Preconeption, Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting
Healing Our Children: Sacred Wisdom for Preconception, Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting

Cure Gum Disease Naturally
: Heal and Prevent Periodontal Disease and Gingivitis with Whole foods


Cure Tooth Decay is Listed under 3 ISBN #'s. All of the ISBN's contain the same content and were published 11-11-2010.

ISBN #978-1434810601 published 11-11-2010
ISBN #978-0982021309 published 11-11-2010
ISBN #978-1434810601 This title can now be considered (Second Edition)

Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities With Nutrition
Cure Tooth Decay Heal and Prevent Cavities With Nutrition
Title: Recipes to Cure Cavities
Healing Our Children: Preconeption, Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting

Cure Tooth Decay Heal and Prevent Cavities With Nutrition

Title: Eva Heals Her Tooth